Annie Foulds Fitness Client Agreement Form Before commencing your programme - please take the time to fill out the Client Agreement Form and bring it with you to your first sessions. AFF_CLIENT_AGREEMENT_FORM_2014_.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [75.2 KB]
REPS CERTIFICATES Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer Certificates
Always asked your trainer or coach for proof of the education and experience - you are trusting them with your health and body. REPS CERTIFICATESS.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [4.4 MB]
TRAIN TO CHANGE EBOOK Handy tips on nutrition and lifestyle habits Train_to_change_____Ebook-2.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [590.8 KB]
Annie Foulds Fitness PAR-Q Form Before commencing any group sessions - vital informaiton regarding to your fitness level. AFF PAR-Q FORM Compressed archive in ZIP format [251.8 KB]
Any questions - please do not hesitate to contact Annie Foulds Fitness 00 44 (0) 7885 140751